Friday, December 02, 2011

Surviving Winter Appeal


I am lucky enough to receive the Winter Fuel Payment, which I do not actually need. There is stuff in my life that I could easily do without, before I would have to think of doing without heat. But the numbers we read of old people like myself, who die each winter of cold, are dreadful - and it seems that they are likely to be worse this winter than ever before.

So I am donating my Winter Fuel Payment to the 'Surviving Winter Campaign', which is being organised around the country through local community foundations. Donations are channelled directly to local people who will benefit from them , and if you gift-aid your donation, admin costs will be taken out of the amount claimed back, and not out of your donation. If you want to donate, go to the Community Foundation Network website where you can find the foundation nearest to you, and look for a link to the appeal.

Help to keep someone else warm this winter!