And as if that wasn't enough, I seem to have swallowed a large lump of broken tooth from a back molar ..... never felt it go ..... Chinese mush is hardly challenging, even for elderly much-filled teeth, so it must have gone with the handful of nuts and crystallised fruits I had for 'afters'.
The dentist can fill or extract the tooth, but I don't want him to extract my brain, and I'm afraid he can't fill the holes in it either. I've had better evenings .....

..... but I've had worse ones too.
It took me a while to find you, but a fellow blogger helped me out.
I ran across your blog a while ago and loved what you said about why you blogged. I wrote it down and was getting ready to write you when the doorbell rang and I hit the wrong button and lost your site and by the time I got back later that day, I couldn't find it again. I posted a message quoting you although I didn't have your name at the time. When Clariz read my post she sent me your address. So you can read what I had to say at and thank you for the inspiration.
Apart from that Mrs Lincoln, what did you think of the play?
Kind of you to ask Lee. Took me a minute to work out the reference...
Well I couldn't enjoy the want tons because they were gone wan tons. But I'm happy to say the tooth was fillable, and didn't need extracting as I'd feared. And maybe it's not a good idea anyway to warm up Chines chow the next day.
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