What could be better? I think I would need a small stool on the platform, (which is 47 x 60 cm), as it would be difficult with my legs dangling to make that final transfer onto the van seat. But my son already carries ramps in his van, so he would have no problem with running it out and trundling it round to the side when I need to get in, and again when I want to get out. I reckon it would be a lot more dignified than the heaving and struggling that has been going on up to now.
Oh bummer! I've just noticed a drawback. The platform isn't at ground level when at rest. I might have to go for the full forklift truck option!
Excellent research you're doing, Judith! Have you looked into conveyor belts yet?
.....a long shallow portable ramp? You could then walk into your seat:)
I've had three more 'helpful' suggestions: a trampette, a catapult, and a human cannon!!! My son is here again with his van this weekend, but the steps I sent for haven't arrived yet, so I'm no further on.
Yet another suggestion........hire someone tall dark and handsome to lift you in ?:)
Driving buses, as I do, I have done a fair bit of work training community bus drivers in the transport and care of aged/disabled passengers, but most of it has been allied to wheelchair-bound people, lifted into the vehicle from the rear. (of the vehicle, not the person!)
I can well understand the movement of stepping up and turning is going to be practically impossible for you, Judith. A passing thought is that you need a short "ladder" rather than a single step - something consisting of a few rungs that would bridge the van's step as well and get you up to the floor level (then "pull up the ladder, Jack, I'm all right!")
The organisations, "Help the Aged" and "Age Concern" might have some suggestions or be able to point you in the right direction.
Thanks for the suggestions Avus. I think you are right about being able to climb in easy stages up to the floor level of the van, before doing the necessary turning. And in all this tongue-in-cheek research I have become convinced that somewhere someone will have designed what I need. I will definitely contact Age Concern and Help the Aged.
Pogo Stick?
Oh! lovely idea Helen. But I am afraid that the violent and sudden movements of pogo-ing would be as far beyond my ancient frame as the leap and twist that my son performs to get into the van.
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