I am in my 80th year and I like to laugh

I like to hug and I like to dress up
And most of all I like to write
! Love me ~ love my blog !
Roam at random, or choose from the list of topics in the sidebar
and if you want to vote for me
in the Personal/Family/Blog category
I've done it Judith! delighted to as well, as it's a really good blog!
Thanks Pam, for being the first. I was afraid people might be put off by having to give their name and email address. But I suppose it's no worse than signing petitions at No 10 Downing Street! At the moment it's only going to be my friends voting, as the organisers haven't got an active link from their website to mine, as they have for some of the entrants. If it isn't there by tomorrow morning, they will probably be hearing from me!
Howdy. It is great to see that web design isn't just for the young.
I wish you all the luck. I am also in the competition.
And a delightful blog it is, too! Casting my vote...I loved especially the poem about missing. It's lovely.
Nice legs!
...and a vote cast by me too..
I voted for your blog too! I am rooting for you to win. :)
Hi Judith!! Beautifuls photographies. I came to see you and say Hi...
I wiil vote for you!
Congratulations Judith!
Judith, hello!
I came here through Avus; he and Herhimnbryn have become good blogging friends in the last couple of months.
I find there's such a lot I'd like to say, because this is one of the most inspiring blogs I've found of late. Your poem about missing was moving and lovely, the Oscar Wilde quote about one's real life has had me thinking, and I'm about to print the post 'Artherosclerosis' and take it up to show Tom (husband) with our morning tea to brighten his day!
I don't want to give you the ' so marvelous at your age' line because I think it's patronising, but your engagement with life in general and blogging in particular are really an inspiration!
Oh yes, and someone who cites translating Brassens into English as one of her interests is a find indeed!
Thank you,Lucy, for your great endorsement. I had forgotten what I had put about Brassens in my profile. I should say that I only do the most literal and simplistic translations, for the benefit of those who don't understand French, so they can can listen to his songs and understand what they are about. But my French skills need polishing, and I think I should find some French language blogs to follow.
I am from Guatemala.
I saw in Lilina`s Blog your name, because she was talking about you.
So, here I am.
You are very special !!
my english is not perfect, but I really enjoey your blog, every thing
special your spirit!!
let me see more, I want to read, I hope I will understan all.
I love your blog. I'm in the competition as well in the hobbies section. And mine is a blog as well - so much more interesting than a static website.
Judith I have just voted for you too, what an interesting blog, I have had such fun going through it, I live in Australia
Yep - add me to the 'love you and love your blog' list! I am one sentimental gal and I love old photos, stories, and real people sharing their lives. I appreciate your adventurous spirit here in blogland :)
Go Judith! Another vote on the way! :-)
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