Monday, November 03, 2008

... and some you win when you thought you had lost!

My radio interview finally went out on this morning's news bulletins. Fortunately I had not been glued to the radio all weekend, as I had not expected them to keep the item over the weekend. I should have had faith. There was an email from the station this morning advising me to start listening again, a courtesy which I appreciate.

Well, there is no more publicity in the pipeline just now, and although things seem rather flat after all the excitement, I am really quite relieved to be able to get back to normal and get on with things which need doing.


Sheila Joynes' Musical Diary said...

"back to normal"...Normal, Judith, what's that, then?

Avus said...

Looks like you have had a great, enhancing time, Judith and should rightly feel proud.
Your example should be an inspiration to others who might have felt that they have been left behind by the world.

Anonymous said...

Which radio station is it Judith? You might be on their website perhaps???

Judith said...

Yes I was, on Hertbeat FM,here:

I don't suppose it will be there beyond the end of the week though.

Anonymous said...

I admire your computer literacy, Judith. I have nowhere near your skill. I don't keep a blog, because right now a scanner or digital camera is beyond me--besides, I am trying to get myself to practice sketching and to learn to do washes with them.That is time consuming enough. But somehow one of my diddling arounds got me plastered on here as a Blogger instead of Anonymous.I keep signing these at the end because one of these days I'll probably diddle around back to an Anonymous.

Just left you a message to your question on Julie's blog. Don't see an email address here for you so guess I'll also answer you here.

I am the same Annie, old Yankee Girl transplanted to Texas, proud Gramma to a boy about a year younger than Xavier Oakley but who is starting Pre-school. I kept him full-time until now since his daddy is busy on their small farm and his mommy is a teacher.

annie said...

P.S. Wot did I tell you-- did I lie? I'm anonymous, again.

annie said...

P.P.S. Your question has encouraged me to fill out a profile even though I don't have a blog. A lot of people ask me about it so why not?
Not a bad idea--thanks, Judith.

Judith said...

Annie, if you click on my picture in the sidebar of my blog, it will take you to my profile, and there you will find an email contact.

Thanks for answering, anyway, and I shall look out for your profile now.