Would you want to walk amongst the band of thugs below? Probably not. Nor do I, to be honest, well not in public, although I have to tell you that all three are pictures of my much loved eldest son who lives in Sydney, Australia.

For the past two years he has grown a 'mo' or moustache in November in aid of charity, and thinks to encourage me to donate by sending me these pictures, which have been taken of him by his loving but uncritical son. Of course I have donated - who could resist?!

His younger brother observed that he probably chose this expression in an attempt to look cool.

The charity he supports is The Movember Foundation, which describes itself as follows:
... an Australian based, not for profit, charitable organisation that implements the Movember event each year across the globe. The Movember event creates awareness around men's health issues and raises funds for carefully selected beneficiary partners in each country that are also charitable organisations, with a focus on prostate cancer.
The UK branch supports The Prostate Cancer Charity, and the Australian Branch supports the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, and also Beyond Blue, the national depression initiative for men. There are also branches in Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Spain and the United States.
To leave you with a tastier image on your retina, here is a picture of what Matthew really looks like, taken recently by his friend Ray Martin. Ray thinks he looks like Daniel Craig, the latest actor to portray James Bond. Not to me he doesn't, but what mother sees anything but the unique wonderchild she has given birth to.
And here is Peter, who took all the 'Mo' pictures, and who, his proud Dad tells me, has already won a number of school photo competition classes, up against all age groups in the school. Please Peter, wait a few years before you grow a moustache too.
You can watch a Movember promotional video here.
Wonderful blog!!- Rally enjoyed my visit- thank you for the lovely photos
Anadia -Aveiro-Portugal
I've been getting pictures like that from my nephew in Perth.
What a great group, Judith, to promote awareness. And Peter takes COOL PICTURES.
That said, I happen to loooove
mustaches from Mark Twain's to Salvador Dali's.
Well done Matthew! As a (hopefully "ex") prostate cancer sufferer he has my respect and thanks.
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