However, Blogger recommends installing the widget anyway, to encourage more of one's readers to 'Follow', or put you on their reading list, so that they can get a feed direct to their computers. Easier for them, and nice for me to know they are there. So, this is for those of my readers who may not have realised the advantages of this particular piece of widgetry. And please forgive me if I am teaching my grandmother to suck eggs!
If you are a fairly regular reader, (and if you are a Blogger too), you can save yourself the trouble of finding my blog and checking it, to see whether I have added to it since your last visit. You can click on the 'Follow this blog' link above my collection of heads in the sidebar, and this will give you a direct feed to the reading list on your blogger dashboard page, which will tell you when I have made a new post. You will have the option of following openly, identified by name, or of doing so anonymously. (I shall only know you are there, though, if you choose to be identified.)
So make it easy on yourself!
I'll hop on the following band-wagon but I use Google Reader to see when my clutch of favourite blogs have updated.
Thanks Lee. It's an easier way of trophy hunting than taking a gun out into the bush!
And I have been using Bloglines since my dear geeky dotter set me up to blog! I like your heading, however. Very cool.
I certainly think I'm one of your "followers" but I don't have (and don't want) a google account, so I'm excluded from your followers list :o(
Is there a section for the likes of me?
Pam, there are still a few mysteries in this Followers business that I haven't quite got to the bottom of, and it seems to have changed again, since I last worked it out. However I think it is safe to say this:
If you click on the followers widget in my sidebar, and then in the window that comes up click on Follow Publicly, a head with your name will pop up in my 'Trophy Room' to show me that you are following me. However, it won't do you any good as you do not have a blog or website of your own where you have a reading list which my blog feeds into. You will still have to find my blog each time you want to read it. So I shall well understand if you don't feel it is worth it.
You're bookmarked, so I never have any trouble finding you ;o)
Would I be one of your trophies if I signed up? Happy to do that if you'd like me too!
Pam, as a long-standing friend from pre-blog days, your presence in my Trophy Room would be highly valued! So 'yes', please do.
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