Firstly, I must say 'thankyou' to those of you who have recently signed up as my followers. My shameless touting for acknowledged readers was only thinly disguised as an explanation of how to make following easier for yourselves, but I attempted to place my tongue firmly in my cheek, when I named my Followers widget in my sidebar the "Trophy Room"! I think the blank faces which come up if the followers have not supplied a picture might well be drawn with a couple of antlers, or tusks, or a rhino horn, don't you?

But I am once again confused, having made a great effort to understand the way that Followers works, to find this morning that it seems to have grown into something more. It seems that Blogger is going in for social networking as well, and my neat little block of heads in my sidebar has become larger, with a banner at the bottom of it encouraging readers to join Google Friend Connect. This uses up space I cannot spare in my carefully planned sidebar. I need to study the Help section on the difference between a Friend and a Follower, but I get a feeling this latest step is one too many for me, and may be so for my followers as well.
Well, I thought that I was already following you, to be honest, but there has been some problems with this 'Follower' thing hasn't there?I lost a few of mine, but it doesn't upset me. I must admit, I don't like the new layout of it and don't understand this 'Invite your friends' business. What friends? Where? Oh well, perhaps someone will enlighten me.
Maybe everyone is following the "Facebook" model........
I don't do Facebook either.
I do Facebook and let me tell you, it's a lot easier than this new Blogger follow me action!
I'm not on Blogger, which means I have to go via Google, which means.. Oh forget it! ;-)
I printed out the Help sections on Friends and Followers and took them back to bed with a cup of tea, but couldn't make any sense of them, so I'm afraid it won't be me enlightening you Henry. Seems like Google/Blogger are tying themselves (or us) in knots trying to be everything to everybody. It certainly seems like the Facebook model to me too, and I don't do it either. So I don't think I shall be inviting my followers to become Google Friends as well. That doesn't mean that I don't regard them as 'my' friends anyway.
And Pam, as a very long-standing friend, from pre-blog days, your presence in my Trophy Room would be highly valued!
Well I seem to be in. I am now officially one of your Trophies, Judith!
Thanks, Pam. And I'm glad you've put a picture in too. The blank one's look kind of sinister, although I can tell who they are by hovering my pointer over them.
Ta da. I'm in. And with photo. Yipee, no hippo head or deer antlers for me...
And I don't do Facebook either (potential employers checking out my private life ? No thanks)
And I've started reading the archives and you wrote about Jake Thackeray, you are wonder woman and you've translated Brassens so you are double wonder woman and you wrote about Jake Thackeray and, well, my gob is smacked, my flabber is well and truly gasted and the momeraths are outgrabing. So I look forward to getting to know you better and I would have sent this as an e-mail but couldn't find an address (or be bothered to look for one for very long) so all you other commenters will have to put up with my sycophantic outpourings !
Thanks for coming,Frog Lady,and I won't call you that if you don't like it, but it's meant affectionately, because I am partial to frogland and wish I had a frog for myself!
Well, you have dug deep into my past, although the Thackray and the Brassens translating are not very long past. Well, I got a first taste for them as a young woman, but it was going on line 10 years ago that put me amongst other fans and developed my interests and talents in that direction. And Pam here who has just hung her head in my trophy room too is another Jake fan whom I met first on line but know personally now. There is a Jake website here if you are interested:,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
Your lovely rolling, quintessentially English exclamations are a joy to my 'inner' ear. You can outpour more if you feel like it - there is an email link in my full profile, but here will do!
I've never considered myself a trophy, more a booby prize.
Interestingly enough, I do Facebook. But I do so a a real person, not in my anonymous Blogger persona. One can, of course, retain as much privacy as one chooses in Facebook, although most people don't bother to read the instructions and then to change the default settings.
I followed you because it seemed like you were enjoying it, but I don't post my followers widget myself, as I overuse my sidebar anyway. Besides which, this way I am not saddened if no one does follow me! I live for my paltry comments anyway:)
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