I fill a picture until it is full with magic, as one fills up a glass with water
Everything is so infinitely simple, so infinitely beautiful."
I have made a discovery this morning, over my bowl of cereal, which I always eat while I open my emails and my blog comments. There was a message from someone who has recently become one of my followers: 'Kissedaprincegotafrog'. I referred to her familiarly as 'Frog Lady' in one of my comments, and asked her if she minded. She sent me an agreeable email which included a link to this artist's website, with her recommendation to read his biography.
I thought "not over breakfast, it's too early in the day", but I went there anyway. It is one of those websites with a black background, which I usually don't bother with, as they are hard on my eyes, but I stayed anyway. I read the artist's biography, which was a bit of a strain, and I admit I skipped bits, but I read most of it anyway. Then I began clicking on the coloured graphics that linked to other sections of the website, where I found paintings, videos, the artist's own thoughts and philosophy, and more paintings. Suddenly I was hooked. I have picked out two paintings that I particularly like, but I do recommend you have a look for yourself if you like what you see here. I certainly do - thankyou, Frog Lady.
I was very struck by this extract from his writing, which seems even more important to consider today, than in 1975 when it was written:
One must live as though one were at war and everything rationed
Man must be careful
Must think independently, must economize
Should not waste blindly
Man must take care that the cycle functions
The cycle from eating to shitting functions naturally
But the cycle from shitting to eating is disconnected
Being happy does not depend on wealth at all
Does not depend on production
That is difficult to say.